About Me

I am a Ph.D. Candidate and a Google DeepMind Scholar at Istanbul Technical University, Computer Engineering Department. I am also a member of ITU Vision Lab at Istanbul Technical University. My research interests encompass a strong focus on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision. Within these domains, I am particularly captivated by discrete representation learning for image generation.

Prior to my current pursuit, I earned my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Notably, I accomplished my B.Sc. degree with a second-ranking, a testament to my dedication and commitment to academic excellence. During my M.Sc., I worked as a Research and Teaching Assistant at Istanbul Technical University, a role that enriched my experience on teaching and broadened my understanding of Computer Engineering subjects. Throughout this period, my research endeavors were centered around self-supervised GANs and their innovative applications in image generation.

My personal interests include watching anime, reading manga, playing board games, and doing pilates. Anime and manga have been a significant part of my life, captivating me with their intricate storylines and compelling characters. I enjoy delving into diverse genres and exploring the creativity of the medium. Playing board games allows me to engage in strategic thinking and friendly competition, making for enjoyable social experiences. Additionally, I find solace in practicing pilates, where I can focus on wellness, flexibility, and mental relaxation. These interests enrich my life and provide a balanced escape from the demands of daily routine.


  • (09/2023) I am awarded a grant by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) to perform a research at University of Southern Denmark.
  • (09/2023) Our paper ProtoDiffusion: Classifier-Free Diffusion Guidance with Prototype Learning has been accepted to ACML 2023.
  • (08/2023) I have attended the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School 2023 and presented our work Evidential Discrete Variational Autoencoders as poster.
  • (04/2023) I have been selected to attend the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School 2023.
  • (02/2023) Our paper Textile Pattern Generation Using Diffusion Models has been accepted to ITFC 2023.
  • (06/2022) Our paper UGQE: Uncertainty Guided Query Expansion has been accepted to ICPRAI 2022.
  • (08/2021) Our article Exploring DeshuffleGANs in Self-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks has been accepted to Pattern Recognition Journal.
  • (10/2020) I have been selected as a ITU-Google DeepMind scholar.
  • (06/2020) Our paper Deshufflegan: A Self-Supervised Gan to Improve Structure Learning has been accepted to ICIP 2020.